
Our society is part of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR). We are a non-profit organization that promotes patriotic, historical and educational objectives, including the perpetuation of the memory of the men and women, who by their sacrifices during the American Revolutionary War, secured independence from Great Britain and established the United States of America. Our members are the direct lineal descendants of those patriots.

The Wisconsin Society, and its five Chapters, actively promotes various programs throughout the state. We have conducted scholarship and recognition programs for high school and elementary school students, ROTC, JROTC and Naval Sea Cadets, as well as Eagle Scouts. We perform volunteer work for Veterans, preserve the grave markers of Revolutionary War Patriots in our state, and recognize our public servants by presenting awards to public safety officials. The WISSAR Color Guard participates in patriotic events and parades, proudly dressed in Revolutionary War uniforms representing George Washington's personal guard.

Join Us!

Any male, who is a lineal descendant of an ancestor who supported the War for American Independence, is eligible for membership to the Sons of the American Revolution.  Further information on membership and how to join can be found by going to http://www.sar.org and click on "Join Now".  We eagerly invite you to become a part of our fine organization and are happy to provide assistance with the application process.  See the below list of officers and click on a name for his email address.


Use the form below to contact us! In your message, add the name of person you are trying to contact.


Please complete the form below




President: Robert M. Haglund
1st Vice President: Donald Skarda
2nd Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: William Austin
Treasurer: Daniel Ammerman
Registrar: Brian McManus
Genealogist: William Austin
Historian: David Grover
Chaplain: James A. Hargan
Chancellor: Eliot Held
National Trustee: Donald Skarda
Alt. Nat’l Trustee: William Austin

Committee Chairmen

Americanism: Vacant

Awards: Robert Haglund
Bylaws: Eliot Held
Color Guard: Robert Haglund
SAR/DAR Liaison: William Austin
C.A.R. Liaison: Mike Meador
Eagle Scout Schlr: Edward Safford
Finance: Donald Skarda
Flag: Chapters
Genealogy: William Austin
Information Tech (IT): Donald Skarda
Knight Essay: Thomas P. Curtis
Membership: David Grover
Patriot & Compatriot Graves: W. Austin
ROTC: William A. Muether
Vets Recognition: Robert Haglund

Chapter Presidents

Nathaniel Ames: William Austin
Hendrick Aupaumut: David Grover
Morgan-Kosciuszko: Donald Skarda
Elisha Raymond: Bruce Laine
Stephen Tainter: Ronald Crosby

Use the form below to contact us! In your message, add the name of person you are trying to contact.

Membership in the Sons of the American Revolution

Do you have a Revolutionary War Patriot in your ancestral line—that is, an ancestor, male or female, who supported the Cause of American Independence during the years 1774–1783? Can you trace this person directly to you? We invite you to get started today and find out by visiting the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, website. Then contact Wisconsin State Genealogist Bill Austin to help you along the way with your application (use the contact form below).

Join us and become involved in the many programs and activities of our fine organization. March with the Color Guard in parades dressed in a Revolutionary War uniform; become involved with your local schools through the Knight Essay and Elementary School Poster contests; support the Boy Scouts of America with the Eagle Scout Scholarship Program; help educate young minds through ROTC, JROTC and Naval Sea Cadet programs; celebrate brave and patriotic members of your community through various awards of recognition; or simply enjoy social gatherings with people, such as yourself, who have the pride and distinction of having a Revolutionary War Patriot nestled in their lineage. These are but a few of the benefits of joining our venerable and altruistic society. With close to 200,000 members since it's inception in 1890, and over 30,000 active members today, the Sons of the American Revolution invites you to become one of our "Compatriots."

Fill out and submit the form below to contact Wisconsin State Genealogist Bill Austin.




"Libertas et patria"

Hendrick Aupaumut Chapter

Active events will be placed here for public display.

Nathaniel Ames Chapter

Active events will be placed here for public display.

Elisha Raymond Chapter

Active events will be placed here for public display.


Stephen Tainter Chapter

Active events will be placed here for public display.

Morgan-Kosciuszko Chapter

Jan     WSLS Conference Wis Dells 11:00 AM at the Kalahari Convention Center
Feb    22     George Washinton Dinner - Plover- DAR/SAR – Present /Retrieve Colors
Feb    1     Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Patriotic Luncheon, Alioto's Restaurant, Saturday Feb 1 at 12:30pm
"Feb          Echoes of the Past Trade Show - Oshkosh
March    3     Chapter meeting via Zoom.
April    26     WISSAR State Mtng
May    2,3,4    Rev War Days
May     26     Oak Hill ceremonies by 9:30 latest 10-11  -DAR(Brookfield)    3510 N Brookfield Rd, Solumn Salute
june    12    Flag Day Elks Club Waukesha  //  
June     21     Germantown Flag Certificate and Liberty Tree
June         Polish Fest Opening _ 5:30 pm
June    ?      Chapter meeting.
June     2     Masons Flag presentation - Shrine Center @ 3000 W Wis Ave.  10ish AM.
July    4th    Independence Day Parade Tosa  CAR/DAR
Aug/Sept         Flag Awards, Liberty Tree Plantings For MK /  AL TBD
Sept    ?      Chapter meeting.
Sept         Constitution Day Tabletop _ New Berlin Library - hand out Pocket Constitutions.  Noon to 2 PM
October         Seminar, tabletop and dedication for Lafayette time TBD
Now    11     Veterans Day Ceremonies for MK Chapter/ Places and times TBD
Dec    6    Holiday Luncheon  Machine Shed Pewaukee
Dec    13    Wreaths - Union Grove